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Breeze Through Airport Security

Posted on October 4, 2021 by Thanh Woytek

During the shake up a couple of years ago of the airport security system, things got a little crazy and airport security went a little overboard confiscating toenail clippers and hair mousse. Thankfully those days of an overzealous security system are behind us and a cautious, careful and reasonable safety system has take its place.

Having a little commonsense and preparation, you can cut down on the hassle and the time it takes you to get through airport security and get off your flight to a excellent start.

Like many things in life, a little preparation goes a long way. Preparation is particularly useful for a smooth move through airport security. Before you pack your swim suit, do a little planning to be certain items are packaged appropriately for this little visit with safety. A little commonsense applies. If you're traveling with anything that's a weapon or could be utilised as a weapon, then pack it in your checked luggage.

Sharp-pointed metal scissors, pack 'em in a checked bag. Curved-tipped scissors are fine for carry-on. Despite some stories you might have heard from friends, these items are allowed in your carry-on bag: knitting needles, toenail clippers, corkscrews, nail files, blunt-tipped scissors and safety razors. The most popular personal item that's not permitted in checked or carry-on bags is a milder.

If you're a smoker, then pack a few books of safety matches on your carry-on bag instead.

If you're traveling with a notebook, it has to be scrutinized out of your carry-on tote.

So, you might want to label your laptop separately by taping a business card or other identifier to the bottom.

Pack all your valuables, notebook, camera and camcorder equipment in your carryon bags. Camera film and equipment might be damaged by the checked-luggage screening and you wish to keep your valuables on your care at all times.

Recall that checked bag must be unlocked or locked with a TSA-recognized lock (a lock designed with a unique code that safety may use to inspect the contents of your luggage ). If you're packing gifts, do not wrap them till you get to your destination as collateral might need to inspect them.

Now that you are packed, it is time to dress to the airport. Avoid wearing a great deal of jewelry or metallic items. Try to put on a pair of tennis shoes or other comfortable shoes which does not have a metallic support in the only construction (many thick-soled dress shoes and high-heeled women's shoes use these). If you package your keys, mobile phone or PDA in your pocket, then prepare an empty pocket on your carry-on where it is easy to place these things before you reach the security checkpoint.

When you are in the airport and about to go through security, the most important thing you can do is to be ready for the next step in the procedure. Before you go into the security line, confirm that there isn't a shorter line at another gateway which you can use. As you enter the line, have your boarding pass and driver's license or passport ready for inspection. Keep these things readily accessible as many airports require that you show them more than once.

As you approach the security checkpoint, remove all metallic items, keys, PDAs and cell phones from the person and put them in your specially prepared pocket. You might also need to remove your coat and take it on your arm until you reach the check point.

At the security checkpoint, take your laptop from your carry-on. Place your laptop and coat in the provided containers. Put your carry-on bag on the conveyor. As your items enter the screener, it is time for you to snap on through the checkpoint.

Make certain to follow the directions of the security screeners. Remember they are there to make sure your security. If you're pulled aside for a random screening, be considerate to the safety personnel. They're there to do a job and being agreeable makes things a little nicer for both you and them.

A little commonsense and planning can ease your way through airport security and get off your flight to a excellent start.