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Tips for Italy Travel

Posted on January 25, 2024 by Thanh Woytek

Located in Southern Europe, Italy is really a peninsula extending in to the central MEDITERRANEAN AND BEYOND, northeast of Tunisia. When planing a trip to Italy it is very important remember that you aren't in the home, so continually be respectful and conservative.


In general the elements is quite hot and steaming in the dead of the summertime. We advise that you wear light clothing. Make sure to have sunglasses, hat and sunblock, because they are essential. Afternoon thunderstorms (brief) are normal in Rome and inland cities, so you might desire to consider bringing an umbrella. It is vital to check out dress standards (no bare shoulders or knees) and is strictly enforced in lots of churches, especially in Rome at St. Peter's and the Vatican Museums and at the Basilica di San Marco in Venice.


Remember to safeguard yourself against purse-snatchers and pickpockets. It is strongly recommended that you wear a money belt or perhaps a pouch on a string around your neck, both concealed. When you yourself have to transport a purse be sure that is just about your neck and tucked in the middle of your body and arm. A word of caution: "gypsy" children are widespread in Rome, are skilled pickpockets which are quick, and learn tricks than you do.


Since hotel have a tendency to overcharge for long-distance and international calls. It is advisable to make such calls from public phones, using telephone cards. For general information in English dial 176. To put international calls via operator assisted service, dial 170 or long-distance access numbers. The united states code for Italy is 39.

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